Probate Attorney

Probate Attorney

Probate Attorney Serving Houston, TX 

Probate lawyers, also called trust or estate planning lawyers, help executors of the estate navigate the probate process. They can help with estate planning such as the creation of wills and trusts. They can also provide advice on powers of attorney or even serve as executors or administrators. The services that we provide depend upon if the decedent has or has not drafted a will before their passing. If there is a will, the probate lawyer will likely advise the executor or administrator of the estate on legal matters. When there is no will, your estate is distributed according to the intestacy laws of the state where the property resides, regardless of your wishes. Drafting a legal will and having a professional estate planning service help you plan the distribution of your assets will ensure your wishes are met. 

Why You Should Hire a Probate Lawyer

· Helps Prevent Personal Liability for Your Action as Executor: An executor can become personally liable if they make an error in arranging assets, generating reports, paying creditors and heirs in the wrong order or amounts, failing to obtain court permission before taking certain actions, and failing to give proper notice to individuals in the proper manners. An attorney will help advise you through the issues and ensure you don’t become personally liable for a mistake.

· The Probate Process Will Quicken: The probate process can last years if the proper forms are not completed correctly the first time, proper notice isn’t given to all necessary parties, all the needed signatures of heirs and interested creditors haven't been obtained, and the appropriate documents for the legal deadlines haven’t been filed. A probate lawyer will ensure that all necessary forms are filled out accurately, everyone has received the necessary notice, and that paperwork is filed on time.

· Minimize Potential Disputes: Disputes are minimized when the estate is handled by a professional that navigates the process quickly, properly, and efficiently. They will ensure that the wishes of the deceased are carried out to the best of their ability.

· Minimize Stress on the Family: Families can become stressed out when they are worried about an estate being distributed improperly, if the process is taking a long time, or when money is involved. Hiring an attorney will place a third party between the heirs and the executor of the estate. This will allow the executor to spend their time and energy on their family.

Contact Our Probate Lawyer Today for Wills & Estate Planning

Are you worried about the distribution of your assets when you pass? Are you stuck in the probate process already? Then contact our probate lawyer today. We provide professional will preparation and estate planning services to the Houston, TX area. Our attorneys will help you navigate the often-long probate process. We can also assist with the creation of a legal will and help you plan your estate.

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